Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 2011 - President Messsage

Happy New Year!

Welcome to our 3 new board members: Don Snow, Wilma Staton and Sandra Bryant.

New meeting place:
As the Board looked forward to 2011, planning all the needs of our group, trying to look ahead.
Most importantly in our on-going discussion every year are bringing information to our members that will help with our on-going research: our keeping up with the daily, or hourly, changes in so much of what we use: keeping our computers clean and avoiding ‘bugs’: and encouraging us all to continue our family history.

The history of the Washington County PAF Users Group is now about 19-years of meetings. Mostly these meetings were held in the Morningside Stake Center. The Relief Society and Primary Rooms have been our ‘home’. We have appreciated the on-going use provided for our meetings.

Our ‘Thank You’ to those who provided our meeting place for all these years.

The Board was notified in mid-December that the Morningside Stake would no longer make the rooms available to our group as of January 2011.

It was quite a surprise, but we got right on finding another meeting location. We looked into the Senior Center, the Pioneer Center (behind the Senior Center), the Library and other possible locations around the area. Each one had guidelines that would keep us from using that location.

The St. George Family History Center offered us the option to meet there, but none of the rooms offered enough space for us.

We were coming up with ‘almost’, but nothing that would meet all our needs.

It was then that we were given the opportunity to meet in the East Stake Center building. This offers all that we had in the Morningside Stake Center, and allowed us just one large change to be made, instead of many little ones - moving to a new location.

After discussion and opening up any suggestions for another option, it was decided this would be the best option available.

January 2011 brings a new ‘home’ for our meetings - the St. George East Stake Center

The St. George East Stake Center is located across from the Temple, and the old hospital, now the Women’s Hospital. 449 S. 300 E.

Our meeting day and time will remain the same. The 3rd Saturday of each month, except June, July and August, 10:00 a.m. to noon.

This will be the first year of taking 3 months off during the summer months. It is not the easiest time to get presenters for classes, and our attendance is low during these 3 months. This subject has been discussed by our Board to come to this discussion. The newsletter will continue during this time.

We hope everyone will enjoy the summer break and come back in September.

In October, Family History Month, we had a wonderful meeting where many brought an artifact, or story of their ancestors. It was so nice to share. We will keep this activity in our October meeting in 2011. Sharing our ancestors, and their stories is just a very special experience.

2011 will being some changes in the Washington County PAF Users Group. Some planned and others not even in our agenda. Changes aren’t always easy, but we have done our best to make this as easy a change as possible. The Board hopes that in our new location will allow us to continue on with meetings and classes that help us all to do our research in Family History.