Friday, January 16, 2009

Change in January 17th, 2009 Class Presentations

January 17th Class - Becky Carroll's presentation on the 'Blog' has been canceled due to illness..
She will reschedule, so check back on updates on class schedules.

For Saturday, the 17th - June Morton will present the Techno Time presenting information on Google Research Helps.

Also, Max Turpin and Fran Lightner will present information on the St. George Cemetery Project and how you can help, and how it will help those doing family research. They will go on-line to the Find-A-Grave and sites.

With work being done on the St. George Cemetery this will add some information and pictures of grave sites. For those who have family members buried here in the St. George Cemetery but live a distance and can not come to here to visit the cemetery themselves, they will be able to go on-line and even see a picture of those sites.

If you've gone to any of the sites available searching your family members in other areas of the country, maybe even the world, you can understand how someone took their time to get that information made available. We need to do that here too!

As with all of our class presentation, if you've done research at a cemetery we would appreciate your in-put in this class.

See you Saturday!