Saturday, January 8, 2011

We're moving our meeting location

After so many years at the Morningside Stake Center the Washington County PAF Users Group is moving.
This was not a planned move, and not one we wanted to make.
We searched various locations in the area, but were unable to fine a meeting room that meet our needs, or that we fit the criteria.
Elaine Booth, at the St. George Family History Center (across from the temple) was able to help us out. We appreciate Elaine's help, and because of her help we will not miss any meetings.
Starting with our January 2011 our new location is: St. George East Stake Center - 449 South 300 East - St. George, Utah. (Across from the old hospital and the temple.)
It will take some getting use to. Being at the same location for so long our cars could go there on their own. Now we'll have to take our cars off of automatic pilot, or change the GPS directions.
The monthly board meetings will now be held at the St. George Family History Center at 5:15 p.m. the Wednesday before our regular Saturday monthly meeting.
If you have any questions or comments please call Fran Lightner 688-1260, Helen Lenz 668-2099 or June Morton 652-9463.