Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Meeting Notice
Saturday - 20th November - 10:00 am
Morningside Stake Center
900 South and River Road - St. George
November Meeting to Feature
Family Insight with Don Burton
Read about Don in the Newsletter
... And JOIN us on Saturday ...
Monday, October 25, 2010
Saturday,October 16, 2020
Morningside Stake Center on 9th South and River Road
Member Meeting
16 October 2010
GREETERS: .....Helen Lenz
WELCOME: ..... Connie Stewart
Connie welcomed all in attendance, with a special welcome to the visitors.
OPENING PRAYER: .....Margaret Miller
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Remember the great genealogical programs which are available on TV.
· “Who Do You Think You Are” on NBC TV. All previous programs can be viewed at:
· “Generations Project which can be viewed on BYUTV. Check on line for when available with yourcable network ...http://www.byutv.org/thegenerationsproject/
· The St. George Family History Center is holding an Open House on Saturday, 30th of October 10:00am to 4:00 pm. Everyone is invited to visit, see the renovations and enjoy a treat.
• The User Group Blog and WebSite addresses to all in attendance with the suggestion to log on and view the sites.
• Sterling Davis is 91 years young today and we all sang Happy Birthday to him. He has been attending our user group since it's inception about 20 years ago.
Julie Bliss Hammons our presenter today is a Millard County native who moved to St. George a little over a year ago. She has been a Stake Family History Director, and has traveled and taught genealogy research classes at conferences and for Genealogy Societies. She also wrote a genealogy newspaper column before moving to St. George about a year and a half ago. She currently teaches classes at the St. George
FHC, the Ivin’s Stake, and other places when she is asked.
Julie is on the PAF UG Board and is currently serving as a Family History Service Missionary at the St. George FHC, and serves as a Stake Family History Consultant to the Young Singles Adult 1st Stake.
She put up her 1st website ‘Relative Bliss’ a number of years ago and success that came from it has kept her focused on technology and how it can help you in your research.
She will show you how to use the new technologies, and tools that are available to you to accomplish your genealogy goals. She will also show you the new features that are now in FamilySearch, and available to everyone, to help you find success with your genealogy.
PRESENTATION: .....Julie Hammons
Julie followed her handout as listed below and reveiewed the social network sites, with her stories of successes. She them took us through all the new and interesting items on FamilySearch and it's wiki.
Social Networking 2010 – Podcasts, Wikis, Blogs, Facebook, FamilySearch
Terminology Define Where to find one
Message Board A place to post a message www.rootsweb.com [free]
Mailing List A group of people who have an interest is a
particular surname/locality. Each email or question
is shared with all members of the mailing list
www.rootsweb.com [free]
Blog An online news column generally about a specific
subject. One person manages the blog, however,
often those who read it may offer comments.
www.blogspot.com [to start your own free blog]
www.blogfinder.genealogue.com [to locate a free genealogy blog]
Podcast An audio file [think of a radio program] that you
can subscribe to, download onto your computer
using a free service such as Itunes. You can put
these on an mp3 player such as an Ipod. You can
listen to these whenever you have time.
www.blogfinder.com/podcast.asp [to find a
free genealogy related podcast]
www.apple.com/itunes [to download itunes free]
RSS Feeds Really Simple Syndication [Subscription] Installs a
link between the file you want to subscribe to and you.
Wiki What I Know Is - A website that allows creation
and editing by members of the site. Allows people
to pool their knowledge to the benefit of all.
Social Networking Benefits
You can connect with people you would never be able to under normal circumstances.
You can find people interested in your family history, or they can find you.
You can subscribe to online magazines and newsletters, and even blogs
You can keep up on events that are of interest to you, without having to search for them.
Some Sites with Social Networking Capabilities
Find a Grave http://findagrave.com
Footnote http://footnote.com
Facebook http://facebook.com
Twitter http://twitter.com
Genealogy Wise http://genealogywise.com
Google Docs [need to have a free google account
Genealogy Wise http://genealogywise.com A site for genealogists
Facebook - Many online sites now allow you to link to facebook and post messages
Free - go to www.facebook.com
Register for a free account - you will be asked for some information - you can decide which information
you want others to see.
Write down what your password.
Basics are on the top right there are three tabs.
Account Tab – This is where you set your privacy settings. Set options for what you want others
to see – Everyone - Friends of Friends - or Friends only.
Profile Tab gives the information you want others to see, and the messages that have been sent
to only you.
It also shows in the left column your list of friends. You can post a message to them, by clicking on
their photo and either writing on their ‘wall’ which all their friends can see, or you may send them a
private message.
Home Tab shows the home page is divided into three columns
- Left column shows request, messages and notifications, and allows you to be visible online
where you can chat with friends.
- Middle column is the news feed where you see messages that have been posted by your friends.
You can comment on these or post your own message.
- If you see a message you don’t like to can hide it, or hide the person who
sent it.
- Right column shows events, advertising, suggestions for friends, requests etc.
Help Center
The presentation on the Beta FamilySearch site was MORE than informative ….. Who Knew there
was so much information available to us. It is, for one thing, a learning center .. a place to locate
and research your area of interest.
CLOSING PRAYER: .....Lena Jones
Prize Winners:
Curt Rohrer, Roseann Zempter, Gaylie Morehead, and Gatha Wilson
October is Family History Month and it was celebrated in our group today. Many of the members brought family memorabilia and personal treasures and shared with all a little of their history. AND then we all enjoyed a treat!
A Great Way to Celebrate Family History Month!
Total Attendance: 37
Filed by: June Morton – Recording Secretary
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
October Is Family History Month!
We are having a Special Meeting on Saturday, 16th Oct.
and a Party!
Bring a Family History memorabilia item
to the meeting for display
Come and enjoy the Presentation and
Enjoy a TREAT!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Monthly Meeting -October 16, 2010
Presenter - Julie Hammons
Your Ancestors Online
Focusing on the Internet technology available
and how it can help in your research and genealogy goals.
Plus some of the new features in newFamilySearch
available to everyone.
Join With Us in Celebrating Family History Month
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Up-coming events for October 2010
Saturday, October 16th: Our regular monthly Saturday meeting. 10:00 a.m. to Noon. 9th and River Road at the Morningside Stake Center. Park in the back parking lot and enter at the back door. Julie Hammons will be our presenter. More info to follow on this meeting.
Saturday, October 23rd: The St. George Large Multi-Stake Family History Center (across from the Temple) will be participating in a gathering at Worthen Park. This annual event will have community groups from around the area and their service. The event is free and all are welcome. Come and see what services are available in our community.
Saturday, October 30th: The St. George Large Mulit-Stake Family History Center (across from the Temple) is holding an Open House. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come and take a look at the recently remodeled center along, information on the over 50 classes that are held, the research room, archive room and training room(s). Please stop by for a visit.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Next meeting - Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010
We are much more than a PAF Users Group!
Meeting Notice Saturday, September 18, 2010
10:00 am – 12:00 noon
Morningside LDS Church – Relief Society Room
9th South and River Road, St. George
Kathy's presentation is entitled …
Family History on the Magical Road
Join Us and see the MAGIC
that awaits you in unseen corners of the globe.
Find the MAGIC in visiting your family history locations.
Come and learn of the possibilities that await you
on this great adventure, called Family History.
Learn some of the secrets of this MAGICAL trip,
where to go and what to do.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Handout - Saturday, July 17, 2010
Your tombstone stands among the rest;
Neglected and alone.
The name and date are chiseled out
On polished, marbled stone.
It reaches out to all who care
It is too late to mourn.
You did not know that I exist
You died and I was born.
Yet each of us are cells of you
In flesh, in blood, in bone.
Our blood contracts and beats a pulse
Entirely not our own.
Dear Ancestor, the place you filled
One hundred years ago
Spreads out among the ones you left
Who would have loved you so.
I wonder if you lived and loved,
I wonder if you knew
That someday I would find this spot,
And come to visit you.
Author Unknown
Source: " Genealogy Poetry and Prose
Hung Up on the Tree
They think that I should cook and clean, and be a model wife.
I tell them it's more interesting to study Grandpa's life.
They simply do not understand why I hate to go to bed.
I'd rather do two hundred years of research work instead.
Why waste the time we have on earth just snoring and asleep?
When we can learn of ancestors that sailed upon the deep?
We have Priests, Rabbis, lawmen, soldiers, more than just a few.
And yes, there's many scoundrels, and a bootlegger or two.
How can a person find this life an awful drudge or bore?
When we can live the lives of all those folks who came before?
A hundred years from now of course, no one will ever know
Whether I did laundry, but they'll see our Tree and glow.
Cause their dear old granny left for them, for all posterity,
Not clean hankies and the like, but a finished family tree.
My home may be untidy, cause I've better things to do.
I'm checking all the records to provide us with a clue.
Old great granny's pulling roots and branches out with glee.
Her clothes ain't hanging out to dry, She's hung up on the Tree.
Helpful Hints
Online Research Classes -
The following classes are provided online by the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah and other sponsors. Learn the basic methods and key resources to start your family history.
England Beginning Research
Ireland Research
Italy Research
Principios básicos para la investigación genealógica en Hispanoamérica (México)
Reading Handwritten Records Series - New!
Research Principles and Tools - New!
Russia Research
U.S. Research - New!
Before you visit a library, visit it online. This can help you save time in three ways:
Check the basic information about the facility, including its location and hours. You don't want to plan a trip for the wrong time.
If the Web site contains an overview of the collection, it may help you determine if the library is one you actually wish to visit.
You may be able to access the library's card catalog through their Web site.
Searching the catalog from home before your trip may save significant amounts of on-site research time, allowing you to spend more time with the materials you came to see.
Source: "Time- Saving Tips for Genealogists", by Michael John Neill, Genealogy.com
Print one bibliographic page for each book or source you plan to use.
Documenting your research is extremely important. However, it frequently slows down on-site research. To allow you to spend more time with the materials when you go to a library or archive, create one sheet for each book or record you plan to search. If you've used the online card catalog, copy and paste the bibliographic information into a word processor, using one sheet for each book. Make research notes on the sheet for use at the library or archives. Then when at the facility, you can make additional notes regarding the success (or failure) of your search. If you make copies from the source, attach them to the sheet for ease in tracking sources and entering data when you return home.
Source: "Time-Saving Tips for Genealogists", by Michael John Neill, Genealogy.com
To Google or Not to Google
We are all familiar with the many large genealogical databases that we can join to search their resources, but what if we want to find resources on our own without joining a website?
Many of the resources we can get through genealogy databases can be found for free if we know how and where to search. A search engine such as Google will help your search be a productive one. I personally like to use a search engine that has an "advanced search" screen. The advanced option makes filtering your search results easier. You are given fields such as "All these words", "Exact phrases", "Any of these words", or "None of these words". Sometimes this is not important but if you are searching for Jeffery Mason Massachusetts, you may get every stone mason in Massachusetts named Jeffery and these are added results that can make finding the correct information more tedious. I searched for Jeffery Mason Massachusetts with a regular search box with no extra tools and found 280,000 search results. I could see that most of these did not have anything to do with Jeffery Mason. I added "Genealogy" to that search box and trimmed the results down to 35900. Still too many to find what I need. I then went to the advanced search option in Google. And moved "Jeffery Mason" to the field that said "this exact wording or phrase" and searched. This returned 174 results. Much better. I then added "stone brick mortar" to the field "But don't show pages that have any of these unwanted words:" Now the results were 10. You can change the combination any way that you like.
You might reverse the name phrase to "Mason, Jeffery" and this would bring different results. If the person lived in various towns, you might enter "Boston, Worcester, Salem" in the field "one or more of these words:". This would give your search a variety of words to include. As you can see, using a search engine to search is only limited by your imagination for entering search combinations...
Source: Paula Vilburn, Ogden Regional Family History Center Newsletter, April 2010
Question: Are there some good mailing lists to help family history consultants with questions?
Answer: You may try the following. Click the link, which will open your email program. Simple add the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) in the subject and message boxes, then click Send.
LDS WARD CONSULTANTS LDS FHC CONSULTANTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Looking for Married Names - Know a woman's maiden name but not her married name? Try these strategies:
. Search legal documents, wills and probate records for her parents-a daughter may be named in them.
Seek out obituaries for siblings. Most will list brothers and sisters among those "survived by."
Check census records for her twilight years, when she may have been living with a sibling.
Ask, ask and ask. Even your near and dear family members remember things differently.
Source: Family Tree Magazine Newsletter, July 2010.
Family History websites for Beginners, - Many websites can help beginners with family history research. This article lists several and how to use them.
Write it down, neatly - Time spent writing something on paper and filing it is time well spent. Do not trust your memory, or you will find yourself back at the library again. Do not write sloppily or you will misinterpret what you have written. Do not use scraps of paper that are easily lost. Do not use a crayon or lipstick that will be impossible to read next year.
Source: "Time-Saving Tips for Genealogists", by Michael John Neill, Genealogy.com
Research Questions - Ask personal questions about your ancestors other than birth, death and marriage. Make a chart for your ancestor with their name, birth, death, marriage, spouse, etc. You might have a list of questions for example, Immigration, Occupation, Religion, Adoption, Military Service, Spoke Foreign Language, Family Stories about this Person. These questions could also add some color into your gathering of materials on your family as time goes by. After all genealogy is not just about birth, death and marriage. We want to know about the history of our family. You might just find some interesting facts on your family lines.
Source: "Tips on Gathering your Family Information, 'Research Guidelines'". Genealogical Journeys in Time http://springviewreliefsociety.blogspot.com/2010/04/geneology-tip.html
Q and A
Question: I understand "state", "county", and "city", but what is a "ward" in the U.S. census?
Answer: In the United States census, a ward is an optional division of a city or town, especially an electoral district, for administrative and representative purposes. The Library of Congress has detailed ward maps of major cities. These show the census districts and political divisions of large cities. Valuable finding aids for City Ward maps is on microfilm found at the Family History Library.
Question: My son needs to interview one of his grandparents for a scout activity. What are some good questions to get the interview moving quickly and put both interviewee and interviewer at ease?
Answer: The internet is overflowing with great ideas. Following are just a few:
"Tips for Kids on Interviewing Grandparents"
"50 Family History Interview Questions"
"50 Questions for Family History Interviews"
"20 Questions for Interviewing Relatives"
"Oral History Interviewing"
Question: My Dad recently died. Will his death certificate be posted on the website where the Utah death certificates are listed? If so, when can we expect it to happen?
Answer: Utah death certificates are available online at
and contain certificates from 1904-1956.
Utah State Archives contains certificates from 1904-1958. Access restrictions on the Archive site says "The Inspection of Vital Records Act (HB 84), which passed in May 1998, made historic death records available to the public fifty years after the date of death." Both sites indicate they were updated March 2010.
Question: If you suspect you have Swiss ancestors, one of the first places you should check is the Familiennameenbuch, or Swiss Surname Book. This book lists the family names of all Swiss citizens in Switzerland in 1962 and indicates the place of origin, the year in which citizenship was originally granted for that surname in that place of origin, and the ancestry (previous place or country of citizenship). The book does not list individuals, only family names. It is extremely useful for tracing a family name to a region (place of origin). Is there a local copy available?
Answer: We have the "Familiennamenbuch" or "Swiss Surname Book" on microfiche #6053507 at our Center, but not in book format. The book is available at the Salt Lake Family History Library, Call No. 949.4 D4f.
Question: In NewFamilySearch, if a child appears in a family and he doesn't belong to that family, is there anyway to remove him from the family?
Answer: If you were the one who put the child in the wrong family by mistake, you can remove him. If not, you should contact the submitter, explain why you think it is a mistake and ask them to remove him. If there is no contact information for the submitter, you'll need to wait for the submitter to register for nFS or for nFS to provide a new solution.
To determine who entered him in the family, click "View relationship details", (spouses and children view) then "edit" .
To remove him from the family, select the options icon (arrow left of name in spouses and children view). Select delete/dispute relationship from Mother and/or Father.
Question: Nowadays there seems to be much discussion about which genealogical program one should use, but there seems to be no concensus or standard of comparison. Is there a chart or would it be possible to have a chart (or sheet) comparing the virtues, benefits, costs, etc. of the various genealogical programs such as PAF, Legacy, Roots Magic, All my Ancestors, etc.?
Answer: I'm not familiar with "All my Ancestors", but there are comparison charts available for PAF, Legacy, RootsMagic and Ancestral Quest. Try one of the following:
Question: I have had a few people ask me how to combine info from PAF that are on floppy discs with NFS. They have spent days, months, putting info onto floppy discs but it was not submitted and they do not want to have to redo it all on NFS. Any ideas on how to combine?
Answer: You can upload a GEDCOM to NFS from PAF if the individuals are NOT in NFS. If it is new or updated information for existing individuals, they would need to use an additional program such as Family Insight or Ancestral Quest to sync their PAF data with NFS.
Question: In NewFamilySearch, I entered a child in the wrong family. Is there anyway to remove him from the family? I see the arrow to the left of his name which gives the option of deleting or disputing. Would "delete" just remove him from the family or remove him forever?
Answer: "Delete the individual" removes him permanently from the database. Instead, choose the "Delete Relationship to father/mother" options to remove him from the family so you can then connect him to the correct family.
Question: Why can I no longer sign in to "old family Search" where I could view all the choices for temple ordinances for an individual as opposed to NewFamilySearch which allows me to see only one choice for each ordinance?
Answer: You can still sign in to "old FamilySearch" and search the IGI for temple ordinances. The message simply warns you that it is not being updated. For new ordinances, you would need to search thenew.familysearch.org. To search the IGI specifically, go to FamilySearch.org, click the Search Records tab, select Advanced Search, then select IGI from the list on the left.
Failte Romhat - The personal Web site of John Hayes might not be the first place you'd expect to visit, but his site actually offers a surprising number of online Irish databases and transcribed documents, including Land Owners in Ireland 1876, Irish Flax Growers List 1796, Pigot & Co's Provincial Directory of Ireland 1824, cemetery transcriptions and photographs, and much more. Best of all, it is all free! http://www.failteromhat.com/
Fianna Guide to Irish Genealogy - In addition to excellent tutorials and guides for researching ancestry in Ireland, Fianna also offers transcriptions from a variety of primary documents and records. Free. http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~fianna/
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War - National Graves Registration (Union & Confederate). A searchable database of Union and Confederate soldiers who served in the Civil War. Information includes enlistment data and burial locations.
Submitted by Barbara DeHart
Mormon Migration - This website, designed and hosted by the Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, provides a place for historical and genealogical research into the world-wide migration records and history about the 19th and 20th century movement of thousands of immigrants from many nations who are part of the membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. lib.byu.edu/mormonmigration
Wyoming Newspapers - I just discovered a new website for Wyoming research. It is called the "Wyoming Newspaper Project." http://www.wyonewspapers.org/ These are digitized newspapers covering 1849-1922 (over 900,000 pgs.).
Submitted by Ruth Castleton
Pilgrim Ship Lists Early 1600's - Over 7100 families and 250 ships. Find ships by name as well as complete passenger lists.
Immigrant Servants Database - The Immigrant Servants Database is a project designed to help Americans trace the European origins of their colonial ancestors. http://immigrantservants.com/
Ancestry.com Wiki - The free beta version of Ancestry.com Wiki includes online versions of "The Source: A Guidebook to American Genealogy" and "Red Book: American State, County and Town Sources" as well as other resources. They are every word searchable.
German Roots - Anyone with immigrant ancestors should check out the "Emigration & Immigration Records" section. You'll find lists of ports and their records with links to online sources and instructions on how to access offline sources. Other sections of the website have information specific to German research.
Ellis Island Passenger Arrival Lists - If you have ancestors arriving in the U.S. between 1892 and 1924, check this site for passenger arrival lists. http://www.ellisisland.org
Castle Garden Passenger Arrival Lists - Before Ellis Island, immigrants came to Castle Garden. This site includes transcribed lists from 1830 to 1892, although Castle Garden didn't actually open until 1855. http://www.castlegarden.org
Census of Ireland 1901/1911 - All 32 counties for 1901 and 1911, searchable by all information categories, are now available at http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/
New Irish Church Records Online - FREE! Irish Genealogy, hosted by the Ireland Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport, has added a large number of new church records of baptism, marriage and death to their free Web site, bringing the total to over 2 million church records from Dublin City and counties Kerry and Carlow, plus a subset from Roman Catholic parishes in the Diocese of Cork & Ross. Check it out
Pioneers and Prominent Men - The book Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah is now available online. http://www.archive.org/stream/pioneersprominen00esshrich#page/n5/mode/2up
Australian Gold Rush Immigrants - Was your Australian ancestor a digger? If he/she arrived in Australia during the 1850s or in Western Australia during the 1890s, it is certainly a possibility! You might try searching search arrival manifests in Australia.
Unassisted Immigrants to NSW, 1842-1855 - an index of unassisted (or free) passengers who came to Australia at their own expense, including ships' crew.
Unassisted Passenger and Crew Arrivals, 1854-1900 - The Mariners and Ships in Australian Waters Web site offers transcribed passenger lists and links to digital scans of the original lists for "Shipping Inward" lists from the Shipping Master's Office.
Victoria Passenger Lists - Immigration records for Victoria 1852-1899 are online from the Public Record Office Victoria, including the Index to Unassisted Inward Passenger Lists to Victoria 1852-1923 and the Index to Assisted British Immigration 1839-1871.
National Archives Wiki - The National Archives has started a wiki "for researchers, educators, genealogists, and Archives staff to share information and knowledge about the records of the National Archives and about their research." Their wiki is located at: http://www.ourarchives.wikispaces.net
London Lives - This free website has posted 240,000 manuscripts and 3.35 million names of "non-elite" 18th-century Londoners. Sources include criminal and court records, parish registers, workhouse records and more. Registration isn't necessary to search, but you can register to create a personal workspace and link documents together into biographies. http://www.londonlives.org
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday - July 17th, 2010
A special welcome to new members Roger & Carene Jordan, and visitor Lawrence Turtschi.
(Just a reminder - all meetings of the WC-PAF-Users Group are open to the public whether members of the group of not.)
Fran explained that Julie Hammons, today's scheduled presenter, was unable to attend due to an injury to her wrist. Julie's class will be reschedule so what for that date. We hope for Julie's speedy recovery!
Members were notified of the cancellation via email on Wednesday evening, July 14th.
Opening prayer was given by Betty Lewis Knaak.
June Morton prepared and presented a Question and Answer presentation. THANK YOU June for preparing such a great presentation on short notice!
At the very beginning we had a question regarding Shanna Jones' recent article in the Senior Sampler regarding BRANCHES...thought to be a Google program.
A new Windows genealogy program called BRANCHES is like having Google Earth for your genealogy. You can see all the people and all the data in your database on one screen and then zoom down to see the detail, even a signature on a birth certificate. And you can also see all relationships.
Within just a few minutes, you can be doing everything in BRANCHES that you can do with other genealogy programs without reading lengthy manuals. You can add people and events, photos, videos and documents and manage all your dates.
BRANCHES also has a Google-like search capability that allows you to search your entire data base for names, places and even text in notes and then highlight the individuals in the main pedigree.
The program cost $39.95 one time fee. There is also a 30-day free trial of the full version for those who would like to try it out before they buy. For more information go to the website: www.branchesgenealogy.com
The discussion began with the following article: Find the Answers You Seek in Your Ancestors' Stories:
Prophets and Apostles have reiterated the importance of learning about our ancestors - not just the few vital statistics needed for temple ordinances, but their stories - how they lived - what they did and the lessons they left for us.
Sometimes we see this as 'busy work,' something to do some day, when we have lots of time
(and resources) - nothing that applies to us now. After all, our ancestors lived in a time much different than ours. They didn't have microwaves, the Internet, cell phones, Costco, t-ball, soccer, and all the other things that complicate our lives. We don't have anything common with them, do we! They can't teach us anything that applies to our lives - right? WRONG!
Our ancestors dealt with the same major challenges we face today. Although the tools were different, our ancestors dealt with the same basic problems we face:
Making a living and providing for the family.
Relationships - getting along, especially with different generations.
Serious health challenges.
What will bring me the most happiness?
Do I break away, follow my dreams, or do what is expected of me, even if my heart isn't in it?
Unbearable sadness and sorrow, such as the loss of dear family members.
Feeling overwhelmed by great challenges or adversity.
Feeling misunderstood or undervalued by those closest to us.
Finding time to do all the things expected of us when we are so busy (and so tired).
We have the same genes (and maybe some of the same tendencies) as our ancestors. Although they didn't have our technology, their biggest problems were probably very similar to ours. Their stories give us a chance to learn from them - without going through all the pain ourselves. Their lives are case studies of the results of the choices they made. There are undoubtedly things they would do differently if they could start over. They can't - but you can!
THANKS to June and those who participated with questions, answers and comments.
The group was small which led to a more intimate atmosphere wherein there was more member participation.
The meeting ended and everyone enjoyed a cookie and a drink where there was visiting with more Q & A.
A SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Fran Lightner for conducting the meeting and bringing cookies. To June Morton for presenting the class and also bringing cookies and drinks. To Marilyn Rohrer as our Greeter, and to Curt Rohrer for helping out with the set-up today.
Closing Prayer was given by Fran Lightner.
Filed by: June Morton - Recording Secretary
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Class Schedule for July 17 - Sept. 18 - Oct 16 -Nov. 20, 2010
& November - December 2010
July 17th - Julie Hammons - "Social Networking"
August - No meeting is held in the month of August
September 18th - Kathy Blake has two classes she is deciding between -
Planning A Research Trip or Planning A Trip to the Family History Library
October 16th - Darlene Odenwalder on Newspapers
November 20th - Don Burton - "Family Insight"
December 18th - The annual Business Meeting with election of 2011 Board. After the business meeting we have time to enjoy visiting and sharing treats.
We invite anyone interested in these classes. Come and be a part of our group!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
June reminded all that the Genealogy Project can be viewed on BYU TV on Sunday mornings at 10 am, a great program.
And, the St. George Large Multi-Stake Family History Center will reopen after major renovation on Tuesday, 6th of July.
Opening prayer was offered by Ann Gailey.
Our newsletter editor, Julie Hammons was unable to attend but it was noted that we are all enjoying our great newsletter.
June welcomed today's presenter - our own Max Turpin.
Max was born and raised in Illinois where most of his family still live. He has returned home at least 40 of the 42 years since he left central Illinois. He served LDS mission to Texas, and has lived in Texas, California, where he met his wife Karen, and Utah.
Max and Karen moved from Richfield to St. George in 1992. He is retired from the US Post Office.
Max has been involved in Family History/Genealogy for last 30 years and has nearly 18,000 family names collected in his PAF program. While collecting those name he also served served as Bishop in Washington 2nd Ward, and in the bishopric of the Dixie College 8th Ward. Max and Karen served a proselyting mission to Spokane Washington Mission in 2006-2007 in the Coulee Dam area and after their return he was called as the St. George Transient Bishop.
Max and his lovely wife Karen have put in papers to serve 18 month mission at the St. George Large Multi-Stake Family History Center this fall, and writes the column on Find-A-Grave that appears in this newsletter. He also serves on the Board for the WC-PAF Users Group.
His hobbies are, of course, related to genealogy and he is our resident expert on Find-A-Grave. He has visited cemeteries in 12 states, taking photos of gravestones on these visits and posting
them on line. He will share his knowledge, of how to deal with photos on our computers, using Picasa.
Max explained Picasa is a software download from Google that helps you organize, edit, and
share your photos. It's free, and easy to use. Picasa helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC. Every time you open Picasa, it automatically locates all your pictures
(even ones you forgot you had) and sorts them into visual albums organized by date with folder names you will recognize. You can drag and drop to arrange your albums and make labels to create new groups. Picasa makes sure your pictures are always organized.
It was a great presentation and all present was anxious to hurry home and try out the new software. Thanks Max it was a great presentation.
A SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Curt Rohrer for helping out with the set-up today.
The closing prayer was given by Karla Cannon.
Prize Winners: Ann Gailey, Irvin Wright, Maggie Hansen, Gaylie Morehouse
Next Saturday meeting - Saturday, July 17, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Monthly Meeting - June 19, 2010

June Meeting: Max Turpin to Teach Picasa Max Turpin was born and raised in Illinois where
most of his family still live. He has returned home at least 40 of the 42 years since he left central Illinois.
He served LDS mission to Texas, and has lived in Texas, California, where he met his wife
Karen, and Utah.
Max and Karen moved from Richfield to St. George in 1992. He is retired from the US Post Office. Max has been involved in Family History/Genealogy for last 30 years and has nearly 18,000 family names collected in his PAF program.
While collecting those name he also served served as bishop in Washington 2nd Ward, and in the bishopric of the Dixie College 8th Ward. Max and Karen served a proselyting mission to Spokane Washington Mission in 2006-2007 in the Coulee Dam area and after their return he was called as the St. George Transient Bishop. He has put in papers to serve 18 month mission at St. George Regional FHC this fall, and writes the column on Findagrave that appears in this
newsletter. He also serves on the Board for the WCPAF Users Group.
His hobbies are, of course, related to genealogy and he is our resident expert on Findagrave. He has visited cemeteries in 12 states, taking photos of gravestones on these visits and posting them on line.
He will share his knowledge, of how to deal with photos on our computers, using Picasa. Picasa is a free tool, available from Google, that helps with digitized photos. It has tools that allow us to edit pictures as well as, to organize and to share the pictures we have collected.
The meeting is Saturday June 19th at 10 am in the Morningside Stake Center at 881 River Road.
All visitors are welcome to our meetings.
Washington County PAF Users Group is more than using PAF. We use the various genealogy programs available and have monthly presentations on various software and research information.
Check us out at www.wcpafug.org/
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
1. Footnotes.com is offering free access to all historical newspapers at it's website.
2. The FamilySearch Community has many resources we should be aware of: FS Research Wiki - helps find resource information about a specific geographical area; where to best look for records in a specific time periods; information about records or archives that can be of help in your research, etc. http://wiki.familysearch.org/ FS Forums - help you find answers to any questions that you may have. http://forums.familysearch.org/ FS Beta and Pilot programs allow you to browse through the historical Record Collections compiled through the FamilySearch indexing program. http://pilot.familysearch.org/ and or http://fsbeta.familysearrch.org/
3. Bob again spoke about the tv program: "Who Do You Think You Are?"
Bob then introduced Darlene Odenwalder - Coordinator of DNA/Genetics for Ancestry.com:
Darlene has researched and studied genealogy for over 20 years, and has been teaching in-person genealogy classes in her local community. After two decades of corporate work, Darlene built a new career around what she loves -genealogy. She retired to St. George and now works from home for Ancestry.com. Prior to working for Ancestry.com DNA, Darlene was a Genetic Genealogist at Realative Genetics. As a counselor, she worked with individual customers to select the right DNA test for their unique genealogy goals.
Darlene currently travels and lectures on Genetic Genealogy. Her maternal ancient ancestral group is The Colonists, haplogroup H and her paternal ancient ancestral group is The Artisans, haplogroup R1b.
Darlene explained, that each person carries within them a DNA genetic marker. These markers can help tell if you are related to other people. We can discover our genetic genealogy and ancient ancestry with a DNA cheek-swab test through Ancestry.com
Darlene began her presentation by explaining to us Mitochondrial DNA (mtDna)
Your greatest of grandmothers finally share ancient family secrets. The DNA handed down from mother to child reveals the story of your maternal origins from 20,000 to 100,000 year ago.
Your father's father's father's father is just waiting to give you a hand with your family history. The DNA handed down from father to son through generations has gone unchanged over time.
Your MRCA (most recent common ancestor) is viewed through a mathematical equation to establish relationship.
DNA is simply: Another tool, like a census record: it doesn't lie: it does not replace paper records: however, non-paternal events happen...and this could help explain them.
Darlene's presentation was very interesting and gives us insight into just what DNA can be for each of us. Thank You!
We all appreciated the information given by Darlene. It was very informative and timely, and for some of us the way we should go to help breakdown our brick walls. Thank You Darlene!
Darlene has agreed to come back as a presenter in October and tell us of one of her favorite subjects, Searching Newspapers
Monday, May 17, 2010
Up-coming Saturday class schedule
Saturday, June 19, 2010 - Board Member Max Turpin - How To Use Picassa - Picassa is a free photo program. Come and learn how to use this program and bring any questions you have along.
Saturday, July 17, 2010 - we are working on scheduling this class presentation.
August 2010 - no meeting is held in the month of August.
Saturday, September 18, 2010 - we are working on scheduling this class presentation.
Saturday, October 16, 2010 - Darlene Odenwalder of Ancestry.com will be presenting a class on newspapers. We all know what information is available to us on newsletters - come see learn what you may not know.
Saturday, November 20, 2010 - we are working on scheduling this class presentation
If you have a particular class presentation subject that you would like to see at one of our Saturday meetings, please give your suggestion to one of our Board Members at a Saturday meeting.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Newsletter Editor Julie Hammons wanted all to know that the newsletter was not her's, but it belonged to the membership. She noted that she would welcome any ideas or articles for the newsletter.
FYI - the WCPAFUG Family History/Genealogy Newsletter is sent to all members each month. Aritcles are on helpful subjects and keeping us updated on doing our research.
You can view the front page of the newsletter, or for more information on our group, on our web site: www.wpcafug.org You can receive the full newsletter by joining our group. Annual dues are $12.00 per family.
Bob then introduced this months Presenters - Dave and Manja Midgley and their class on scanning. Dave & Manja are currently serving a mission at the St. George Family History Center and have served missions to Germany (Dave only), Korea and Illinois (together).
The presentation began with .... How Do I Scan Something, with major points to remember: Scanning is more 'art' than 'science' so you need to experiment: Always have a notepad next to scanner: Keep a Journal and log what works and what doesn't: Build YOUR personal checklist of each type of item scanned.
He with talked about Desired Features - Top Brands: Epson - Cannon and HP Microtex.
A flat bed is more desirable than an All-In-One. Getting started: Understanding DPI & Resolutions: File Formats: Enlarging and cropping and other tips.
Thank You Dave and Manja for your presentation. Many oh's and ah's were heard because of the great presentation, and the massive amount of information to help us each in our scanning journey.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, May 15, 2010 Morningside Stake Center - 9th and River Rd. - St. George. You can find more information or our web site: www.wcpafug.org
Saturday, March 20th, 2010
Announcements - Connie suggested that we all check out the classes that are being held at the St. George Large Multi-Stake Family History Center. You can contact the Center at: 435-
673-4591 for further information. Classes are at low cost or no cost.
Presenter Deric Wortham on County Court House Records: Deric delighted us with a short history of how he became employed by the LDS Church and how he became involved in microfilming the records in the state of Kansas, the National Archives in Kansas and the RLDS records in Missouri.
Deric started with a copy of a Family Group Record...He then began researching this family using county court house records. This presentation keep our attention and so much information on researching available records. He then showed the Scholastic Census Records of the school which were found in the land office, the probate records of the father along with the estate inventory. Deric had many more records which time did not permit us to view.
His final notation was that we need more than simply genealogy - names, dates, places, we need to source all our information and learn more about our families - family history, through these various records which are available.
The presentation was very informative and enjoyed by all. We all now want to run, not just walk to those local county court houses of our ancestors...And if that is not possible we need to check out the microfilm available for our respective research counties.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, April 17, 2010 - Morningside Stake Center on 9th South and River Road - St. George, Utah.
Presenters will be on scanning and taught by Dave and Manga Midgley .
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Saturday, March 20th, 2010
March Meeting - Deric Worthan and Courthouse Research
Deric Wortham was born in Boise, Idaho and at the age of 12 he moved with his family to Topeka, Kansas.
He graduated from high school there and attended one year at Brigham Young University.
Deric formerly worked for Department in the Church Office Building in Salt Lake City, in the Micrographics Department and the Microfilm Development.
His field work included Kansas and the Midwest. For 18-years he specialized in county courthouse records.
Two of those years he spent in the RLDS Archives and the National Archives in Kansas, Missouri.
He also worked as an Assistant Archivist for the Jackson County Missouri Historical Museum.
Deric has a Bachelors Degree in History and a Minor In Business Administration.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Our next monthly meeting - Saturday, Feb 20, 2010
You may know Shaun from his weekly articles in the St. George Senior Sampler on computers, repair, software, buying a computer, keeping your computer safe - all that is important to know for those of us with a computer.
Come and join this meeting and come prepared with questions as Shaun will be available to answer those questions.
Montly Meeting - Saturday, January 16, 2010
Robert Kroff - is a retired Teacher/Administrator from the Tooele School District. While employed in the District Office in the Tooele School District, he was Teacher Trainer and traveled Utah and Idaho presenting skills in teaching. He taught and was principal at Hurricane Middle School in the early 70's and owned a Grocery Store in Springdale, adjacent to Zion National Park. Bob and his wife, Carol, are currently serving a Mission at the St. George Large Multi-Stake Family History Center. He has a special interest in personal histories....Remembering Uncle Verl, was an eye opener for all of us...Personal Journals are important! And, of course, we all know that Bob is currently serving as Vice-President of our Washington County PAF Users Group.
Bob's presentation included: A comparison of the main screens of the four programs.
Websites for each of the four programs that interface with new.FamilySearch: FamilyInsight - ohanasoftware.com: RootsMagic - rootsmagic.com: Ancestral Quest - ancquest.com: Legacy - legacyfamilytree.com.
All four of these genealogical software's have free trials and there are tutorials available.
All four of these software's can be viewed and used at the St. George Large Multi-Stake Family History Center at 410 South 200 East, St. George. Classes on each of these products are offered to help learn how to more effectively use the program.
Bob added that PAF is 'Not Dead' and is not going away, however it will not be updated to include all the bells and whistles some of the other programs have. You can us FamilyInsight with PAF and it will interface very well with PAF and new.FamilySearch.org.
Thanks Bob for this very good and helpful presentation as we move forward in our genealogy/family history.
A drawing was held for prizes and the meeting was adjourned.